Quelques lectures
Deux articles dans le plus récent numéro du Black Commentator.
Time for Kerry to Set Up on Haiti
par Stan Goff
Perhaps the only thing more depressing about Haiti than the still-unconsolidated coup there is the refusal of the US press to even investigate the circumstances of it. I mean, said investigation would require more effort than walking a dog but less effort than mating a hamper full of socks.

Commentary: US Builds Gangster State in Haiti
"Henceforth, the Haitian authorities will not allow other countries to trample upon the rights of Haitians," huffed Gerard Latortue, the erstwhile South Florida "consultant" and talk show host installed as Prime Minister by foreign soldiers and homegrown gangsters who were at that very moment snuffing out the rights and lives of Haitians. (...) Meanwhile, the ever-splintering micro-parties fielded by Haitis tiny elite fought gun battles among themselves for the privilege of an audience with Guy Philippe, the U.S-armed warlord, who is touring the country cementing alliances and executing opponents.
Ailleurs, Debunking the Media's Lies about President Aristide par Justin Felux dans Dissident Voice.
If you believe the stories of the corporate media and the Bush administration, you would think Aristide is getting what he deserves. He is a "corrupt dictator" who abuses human rights. He is a "psychopath" who advocated "necklacing" his opponents. He didn't do anything to bring Haiti out of poverty; in fact, he made Haiti more poor than ever. All of these statements are distortions or outright lies. Aristide's true crime was the same crime committed by L'Ouverture 200 years ago: he stood up to the powers that be.
Aussi, retrouvé au fond du tiroir à signets, un article du American Enterprise Institute (dont Richard Perle est l'expert en défense en résidence). L'article est signé par Michael Ledeen, l'expert en matière de "liberté" de l'AEI. Sous le titre The French Interventionist Itch, Ledeen écrivait le 18 février 2004 :
Humanitarian interventions only work if the international community has a clear vision of what is to be achieved and the will to impose the kind of political and moral order that any country needs to live decently. The sort of half-baked approach used to install Mr. Aristide will always lead to the current unhappy situation. So let's try the old-fashioned way. Let's join with the French, proclaim a pox on both houses in the current conflict, depose Mr. Aristide and let him face the judgment of his own people, arrest and try the killers on the other side, install an interim government by force of arms, organize a serious privatization and aid program, and then conduct elections in six months or a year, under international auspices, with guarantees of future elections at regular intervals. And let's call it a democratic revolution.
Time for Kerry to Set Up on Haiti
par Stan Goff
Perhaps the only thing more depressing about Haiti than the still-unconsolidated coup there is the refusal of the US press to even investigate the circumstances of it. I mean, said investigation would require more effort than walking a dog but less effort than mating a hamper full of socks.

Commentary: US Builds Gangster State in Haiti
"Henceforth, the Haitian authorities will not allow other countries to trample upon the rights of Haitians," huffed Gerard Latortue, the erstwhile South Florida "consultant" and talk show host installed as Prime Minister by foreign soldiers and homegrown gangsters who were at that very moment snuffing out the rights and lives of Haitians. (...) Meanwhile, the ever-splintering micro-parties fielded by Haitis tiny elite fought gun battles among themselves for the privilege of an audience with Guy Philippe, the U.S-armed warlord, who is touring the country cementing alliances and executing opponents.
Ailleurs, Debunking the Media's Lies about President Aristide par Justin Felux dans Dissident Voice.
If you believe the stories of the corporate media and the Bush administration, you would think Aristide is getting what he deserves. He is a "corrupt dictator" who abuses human rights. He is a "psychopath" who advocated "necklacing" his opponents. He didn't do anything to bring Haiti out of poverty; in fact, he made Haiti more poor than ever. All of these statements are distortions or outright lies. Aristide's true crime was the same crime committed by L'Ouverture 200 years ago: he stood up to the powers that be.
Aussi, retrouvé au fond du tiroir à signets, un article du American Enterprise Institute (dont Richard Perle est l'expert en défense en résidence). L'article est signé par Michael Ledeen, l'expert en matière de "liberté" de l'AEI. Sous le titre The French Interventionist Itch, Ledeen écrivait le 18 février 2004 :
Humanitarian interventions only work if the international community has a clear vision of what is to be achieved and the will to impose the kind of political and moral order that any country needs to live decently. The sort of half-baked approach used to install Mr. Aristide will always lead to the current unhappy situation. So let's try the old-fashioned way. Let's join with the French, proclaim a pox on both houses in the current conflict, depose Mr. Aristide and let him face the judgment of his own people, arrest and try the killers on the other side, install an interim government by force of arms, organize a serious privatization and aid program, and then conduct elections in six months or a year, under international auspices, with guarantees of future elections at regular intervals. And let's call it a democratic revolution.
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